There was a 'hot' professor bloke! I've never been one who goes strictly on a looks basis. I've always liked blokes who were older. I've always wanted to be spoilt by someone who is older, wiser, and has a lot more money than me. And he had the sterotypical, 'bedraggled academic' look going on. I remember his clothes, mostly. And that he talked about Michael Douglas' arse in Basic Instinct. I liked him, he was funny. He made jokes about nightclubs, and how Durham is home to the Worst Nightclub in Europe.
He wore clothes. In the 'I don't really need them, I put them on because I must' way.
A black, worn blazer and an off white shirt, with the collar undone three buttons, and it had lost that stiffness so it just hung around his neck. In a good way (of course).
He wore brown trousers. A no-no with the black suit jacket, but it added to the 'I just rolled out of bed' theme. And so did his hair - actually bedhead. And not through product.
I don't know how old he is, and I highly doubt he would risk his professional career (I googled him, and he's written books and stuff) to cavort with a student. That is, if I get there. But he can't be married, dressed like that.
I'd be Durham's keenest Human Rights student though!
So, today I wore:

Sorry for the terrible quality, I need to purchase a camera.
(I went against the jumper, simply because I thought it might be a little too warm, even with British weather.)
In my hair is another row of real pearls, from my Nana, held with bobby pins.
Edit: His facebook default is HOT. Mmmm.